is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation founded on 05/10/17. Charity Number 1175003
The objects of the CIO are
1) To advance (promote, sustain, and increase the knowledge of) the education of young people in the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (also known as STEM.)
2) To advance the education of young people in life-long & social skills such as teamwork, communication, problem solving, resilience & time management.
The geographical area covered is London and the Southeast.
We meet these objects by facilitating practical STEM activities in schools or at youth group’s meeting places. Currently all of those activities are delivered by STEM in Schools see for details of the activities delivered.
Occasionally we have funding, provided by other charities, to pay for or to subsidize days of activities either in schools, for youth or home-schooled groups. The conditions for eligibility vary, please email